About me

An introduction to what I do

Hi, I'm Thomas Simhofer, a full stack developer based in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, Vienna.
I decided to create this site in order to share with people what I'm doing, further improve my skills, and just kind of get things out there.


Some of the stuff I have made


An front-end analyzation tool for a minimal implementation of a MIPS pipeline.
Featuring step by step visual representation of the pipeline stages, human raedable representation (String, HEX) conversion and comparison of expected outputs.

My Wedding

Info page for my wedding on June 20th, 2020. It includes:
- an account-system with registration and e-mail verification,
- a user-database and forms for stuff like confirmation, meal-selection, etc.
- a backend to track your guests activity

more coming soon...


Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact me via mail or leave me a note.